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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to my most frequently asked questions.

  • Decrease Stress (Cortisol Levels)
    When our life spins out of control, we turn on genes that cause chronic inflammation (stress), the root cause of the largest global health epidemics of our time: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety and other lifestyle-related chronic disease. Research has found that cortisol levels are lowered by just engaging in 45 minutes of an expressive art practice.
  • Navigate Life and Career Transitions
    By gathering with others in a supportive, validating environment, we are reminded that we are not alone, and that everyone goes through periods of their life when they feel lost, uncertain and are having trouble finding their way back home. This realization can make all the difference in how you experience the journey.
  • Gain a Shift in Perspective
    This intentional time can provide an individual with a different perspective, and reminds us that, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change,” Wayne Dyer.
  • Renewal
    Navigating our 24/7 modern lives and living in a culture that rarely “unplugs”, means we need to find ways to recalibrate our bodies, minds and spirits and return to our natural rhythms. Workshops offer the chance to experience a digital detox and deep “to-the-bones” replenishment, rest and renewal. This is key to sustainable living.
  • Hear What You Most Need to Hear
    Gain clarity/focus around how and where to direct your energy, time and talent in the coming months or year. I believe we all inherently know what is best for ourselves. We rarely slow down or get quiet enough to hear this inner wisdom. Often this comes right to the surface when we’re on retreat or attending healing workshops.
  • Being in a Supportive Group
    This provides the opportunity for members to share experiences, provide supportive connections, and allows each group to experience and create a unique dynamic energy while providing an intentional setting for reflection and meaningful dialogue.
  • Learn to Ask For and Receive Support
    This gives you permission to drop your persona, to come as you are, and to receive help from like-minded people who see the highest and best in you. It is freeing, exhilarating and it reminds us of who we really are. We’re all one another’s teachers; often the biggest “pearls” from a workshop experience come from other workshop participants who are sitting just a few feet away.
  • What is Expressive Arts?
    What it is: Expressive Art is a creative process that encourages creating from one’s authentic self. It honors the creative process over the end result. It explores one’s unique creativity for self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation. The expressive art process invites you to explore HEALING CREATIVITY to restore and rejuvenate your soul to rediscover your creative intuitive intelligence. Creative Soul Care™ Workshops facilitate Expressive art, writing, movement and rhythm as tools to explore our unique creativity. The workshops are designed to encourage the practice of being present in the moment and being heart-centered with creativity without fear or self-judgment, allowing an individual’s full potential and unique creative voice to be expressed, written, drawn, felt and heard. The creative Expressive Arts process strengthens our relationship with our inner wisdom, inner healer, and inner teacher, allowing transformative self-acceptance to live life closer to one’s AUTHENTIC SELF and to love yourself and others with more compassion. Creative Soul Care™ Workshops nurture the creative and courageous spirit of women who want to experience flow -- a healing state in which participants are fully immersed, energized, and engaged in their intuitive, creative and spiritual self. ​ What it’s not: Expressive Art is not therapy. All information is for educational purposes only and not specifically intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure medical conditions or replace medical advice.
  • Who attends the workshops?
    Most of the women who attend Creative Soul Care™ Workshops are CURIOUS. They are curious about themselves and their life situations and goals. Some want to reconnect with themselves in a creative environment that encourages the freedom of an authentic and non-judgmental creative process. Others are interested in having CREATIVITY back in their life for self-healing, self-discovery, personal growth and joyful play. ​ Many are in LIFE TRANSITIONS such as career changes, pregnancy, becoming a new parent, retirement, divorce, medical recovery, empty nest, care of elderly parents, family relationships, adult child moving back home, or managing the demands of being a wife and mom, and most have neglected SOULFUL CARE time. ​ Creative Soul Care Workshops provide women the opportunity to check into their AUTHENTIC SELF without fear or judgement and to discover their truest desires and needs. These women want to NOURISH THEIR SOUL.
  • Do I need to have experience in music, art, dance or yoga to attend a workshop?"
    NO experience or skills are needed. An open mind and soul is all you need.
  • What is a sample agenda for a workshop?
    All Expressive Art workshops explore a minimum of two Expressive Arts (art, movement, writing, rhythm). Within the workshop, participants will experience a welcome opening circle, short discussion of the expressive art events happening in that workshop and a group closing circle.
  • Do I need to bring any supplies to the workshop? Is there a particular dress code?
    No supplies are needed. Dress casual and comfortable for movement.
  • Are workshops for women only and how many participants are in a workshop?
    Yes, women only and there are a maximum15 participants per workshop.
  • Do you provide private group and individual workshops?
    Yes, private individual and private groups are welcomed. And, private session can customize the Expressive Arts they prefer to explore.
  • Do you offer workshops that focus on just one Expressive Art (i.e. art, writing, rhythm or movement)?"
    Yes, private group and individual sessions can request the Expressive Art they prefer in their session.
  • Do you offer all day workshops, multiple day workshops, or Retreat Workshops?"
    Currently these type of workshops are offered by private customer request only.
  • How do I sign up for a workshop?
    Book a Private Workshop by contacting Rebecca on the CONTACT page.
  • Do you offer VIP Coaching Sessions?
    Yes! These are typically 6 hours and include lunch. Clients prefer VIP sessions when they have a specific goal or situation in mind and desire more 1:1 coaching time to create, and dive deep for transformative healing.
  • What’s a typical Creative Depth Coaching session like?
    Each session is customized to the client, but typically there is time to discuss what is top of mind that feels most important to explore with creative tools. There is time to create and language what is being presented in images and words, and most importantly have an opportunity to share, and journal for the transformative insight. The creative tools I offer during a session will depend on the client and the journey that unfolds. It’s quite powerful to experience this active relational relationship.
  • How many sessions on average do clients book?
    There is not an “average” number sessions, but I have found that three 2 hour sessions can be quite transformative for a new client.
  • What types of issues do clients seek your Coaching for?
    My clients have sought my services when they are in life transitions, some examples are stress due to new job/career or resolving relationship conflicts at home and work. Many desire to reconnect to their soul to feel joy and discover how to have creativity back in their life, or some want to overcome feelings of perfectionism, self sabotage, and overwhelm that are blocking them from achieving personal goals.
  • Why is the hummingbird your logo?
    The hummingbird reminds us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty of each day. They also remind us to expand our own energy. And according to Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love", the hummingbird represents a specific type of creative passion seeker. Watch her entertaining You Tube video to learn more about two different type of creative passion seekers. Which one are you?
  • What supplies do I need to gather for Coaching & Workshops?
    For workshops, retreats and coaching I have aSUPPLY LISTyou can view. If additional supplies are needed or if I provide specific supplies you will be informed as part of the registration information.
  • Do you Facilitate Labyrinth Walks?
    Yes! You can learn more about Labyrinth Walks HERE.
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