When the soul wishes to experieince something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image. ~Meister Eckhart
In this workshop series discover how you can cultivate mindfulness with mindful creating. Mindfulness is the practice being curious, of paying attention on purpose in the present moment, without judgment. Creating in a mindful way helps us find more balance, well-being and soul alignment in our life. In these virtual zoom workshops, experience a mindful meditation and mindful techniques to help you practice being present to each months theme of cultivating creative curiosity with mindfulness as you make SoulCollage® cards and journal on the cards you create.
Saturday, November 13th
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM CST
SoulCollage® is a creative tool for artful self-expression that is a fun and easy creative process that is truly accessible to everyone, even people who believe they have no artistic ability. It is a mindful and soul-tending practice that honors one’s personal journey, while promoting personal growth and self-acceptance.
Using the SoulCollage® creative process and mindfulness we will explore ways to listen to our intuition and inner voices as trusted guides to align ourself with our natural rhythms, so that we can create in a mindfully creative flow.
Learn more about supplies HERE.
NOTE: If you are new to SoulCollage® I offer a FREE one hour Intro to SoulCollage® Zoom Workshop you can register for HERE or email me to schedule.
Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves
and our experience.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn

The New Moon cycle provides moments of opportunity to reflect on whatever is going on in our body, mind and spirit. It is the perfect time to release energies that no longer serve us and make space for celestial light to fulfill our dreams or intentions.
In this virtual circle using SoulCollage® and MoonCircles™ collage cards you will create collaged images of your new moon intentions. These images become a symbolic container and reflection of your inner wisdom, your hopes, dreams and desires. Your intuitive creativity will be your guide in this simple yet empowering creative process. Gather with us to create and to vision your new moon energy possibilities.
A threshold suggests the place or moment where transformational work,where learning or integration occurs. ~Angeles Arrien
Each virtual gathering offers a theme to get creative juices flowing to create defined collage cards, but you are welcome to create whatever you desire. Join us to create, to listen, and to reflect on your inner wisdom and vision your possibilities.
In this virtual cohort we will explore thresholds. A threshold is the opportunity to place our self at the entrance of something we have interest or strong emotions about. It could be a person, place, thing. It could be new, old, challenging, confusing, exciting! Let's create a threshold to explore!
"Exploring Thresholds"
Sunday, November 14th
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Price includes four threshold themed images
Supply Information is HERE
This intentional creative time provides an opportunity to slow down, get quiet and listen to your soul as you create SoulCollage® or JourneyCircles™ cards or create in an art journal. Creating in community provides supportive connections and a dynamic energy for reflection and meaningful dialogue.
Gain clarity and focus around how and where to direct your energy, time and talent in the coming months or year. We all inherently know what is best for ourselves, but rarely slow down or get quiet enough to hear this inner wisdom. Often this inner wisdom comes right to the surface when we engage in creative activity.
If you are new to SoulCollage® I offer a FREE one hour Intro to SoulCollage® Zoom Workshop you can register for HERE or email me to schedule.
Rebecca Zacarias, Certified Life Coach and Founder
Creative Soul Care, LLC
Rebecca has pursued creative interests that were personally healing, empowering and transformative, and she now shares those creative tools as a Certified Creative Life Coach and Workshop Facilitator.
Her goal as a Creative Life Coach and Facilitator is to help women create, play, and explore with their authentic creativity in order to connect with their soul, allowing them to discover a new way of living a more balanced and joyful life for body, mind, and soul well-being.